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Head Massage 30min

30 min
40 British pounds
Location : Close by you

Service Description

✔ Helps prevent migraines, headaches and back pain Often tension in the upper back, neck and head can lead to migraines, headaches and back pain which can make for uncomfortable living on a day to day basis and sometimes even lead to depression.  ✔ Promotes hair growth This is a lovely side effect of the Indian Head Massage (if you’re trying to grow your hair anyway…). The massage increases nourishment and oxygen to the scalp and hair follicle which in turns stimulates hair growth. It’s a one way ticket to long, luscious locks!    ✔ Detoxifies the body by stimulating lymphatic drainage Indian Head Massage stimulates and improves lymphatic drainage and blood flow to the neck thus helping to remove waste products from the body.    ✔Relieves sleeplessness, restlessness and insomnia These are often side-effects of stress and Indian Head Massage will immediately relieve stress and promote relaxation by attacking the physical symptoms, thus allowing for a deeper sense of wellbeing and relaxation and opening your body to better rest.   ✔Boosts memory capabilities Often we have short-term memory difficulties because our brains are overloaded with disorganised thoughts, making it very difficult for us to efficiently ‘log’ and collect thoughts and occurrences. Indian Head Massage slows us down, sensual awareness takes over thoughts quieten and awareness is brought to the forefront. Think of it like someone pressing your ‘reset’ button.

Cancellation Policy

For cancelation , please contact us by e-mail or phone. Thank you!

Contact Details

+ 07473470050

Mildenhall, England IP28, GBR

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